Princely State
Dynasty : Multani Malek
Religion : Muslim
Area : 78 km2
Location : Saurashtra
Hindi Name : ज़ीनाबाद
Privy Purse : ₹ 33,800
Population : 3,456 (1921)
Accession : 15th February 1948
Revenue : ₹ 1,50,000
Present HEAD
Malek Shri Mahomed Shabbir Khan, born about 1941, educated at Rajkumar College, Rajkot (1959); married Rani Riddhi (Malik), and has issue.
- Kumari Shri Sabina Malik [married the Kumar Shri of Sanand]
- Kumar Shri Dhanraj Malik, born about 1967 married Kumari Zaida (Malik), born about 1973, and has issue.
- Kumari Shri Selina Malik, born about 1997.
- Kumar Shri Armaan Malik
- Kumari Shri Priya Malik
Zainabad was a small princely state in British India , on the Kathiawar peninsula , which was administered as part of the Western India States Agency . The 1921 census showed 3,456 inhabitants who lived on 78 km². The ruler’s title was Malek . The ruler joined the Indian Union on February 15, 1948 . It has belonged to Gujarat since the state reorganization in 1960 .
The talukdar of Zainabad traced its origins back to a Muslim saint from Multan , Baha-ud-din Zakariya, called Bahawal Haq Multan . One of his descendants, Nasir ud-Din, is said to have been killed by the chief of Pātdi in the 13th century . His son took revenge, whereupon the ruler of Ahmedabad enfeoffed him with the domain of Dasada. The British gave the ruler minimal powers as a judge (3 months imprisonment or Rs. 200 fine, civil cases up to Rs. 500) rulers during colonial times.
- Malek Shri Bavasaheb Malukbhai, married and had issue.
- Kumar Shri Maleksaheb Bavasaheb
- Malek Shri Jorawar Khan Bavasaheb -/1906
- Malek Shri Zain Khan Jorawar Khan 1906/1923, born 1st October 1885, succeeded 9th February 1906, he moved to what was then the village of Kalada in 1903, and the village was later renamed after him (Zainabad); married and had issue. He died January 1923.
- Malek Shri Aziz Mahomed Khan Zainkhan (qv)
- Kumar Shri Hamidkhanji Zainkhanji
- Malek Shri Aziz Mahomed Khan Zainkhan 1923/-, Taluqdar of Zainabad, born 22nd June 1917 and succeeded 26th January 1923, married and Had issue.
- Malek Shri Mahomed Shabbir Khan(qv)
- Malek Shri Mahomed Shabbir Khan (Present Head)
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Published Date :February 15, 2021 @ 9:23 pm